Friday, July 30, 2010

Okay picture this: Two drunk guys fighting over a fat girl in the middle of an intersection... They're so drunk they can't even land a solid punch so they're yeling REALLY macho-like and shoving eachother. One guy looses it, and slapps the other (we heard it.. it was a very impressive girl slap.) and in retaliation the other guy falls over and some how looses one of his adidas...In the middle of the intersection...
We crossed the street during this show of manhood, to get Frozen Yogurt.
My little sister clung to my arm... She hates fighting.. I laughed and kept walking, Ben called the cops.
The coops arrived after the fight, and missed everything.

When ever I see something like this I feel like saying "Welcome to New York!"
Well... to be fair, I should really be thinking "Welcome to human nature."

Speaking of human nature: I fell asleep around 7:30 this morning and woke up at around 3. I need to work on this.

We bought my bus ticket to Utica last night, so if everything is still on schedule it should all be good, basic tracks for my demo should be the result of this trip.

I now have to figure out how the bus system works, get in contact with the Engineer (Who's also the Rabbi up there) and make sure some one will be there to pick me up.

My sister Adrielle likes to point out that planning is not one of my strong points. I beg to differ, some people just don't understand my methodology, it's a highly refined personal art, and I excel at my particular brand of planning.

I shall write about this process later, seeing as at the moment I have to run through some of my material so I can start recording it in 3 days.

I love you all (I think) and maybe I'll make a video blog some time. =)



  1. Bahahahahahahaaa... Human nature, def, considering the fact that I get the opportunity to see that on occasion here. Like a couple days ago when I was walking in the middle of the night and laid in the middle of the normally busy busy 5 lane street that was deserted... Anyway. It was outside Club Fantasia (a gay club), and I think it was on the night of a drag contest, 'cause one guy had makeup on and boobs the size and shape and probably texture of bazookas (but most DEFINITELY a guy). The other guy seemed reasonably normal.
    But they're fighting and yelling at each other and saying stuff that I couldn't make out because I think it was in Czechoslovakian or something. But anyway, yelling and stuff, girlie man takes a slap swing, other guy clutches cheek and stares... and then they start making out.

    Welcome to America.

  2. P.S. Your comment thing is screwy. >_<


  3. lol WOW.... o_O That's more than a little disconcerting...

    No biggie, I deleted all traces of my Blogspot's mentally handicapped nature. You are free. <3
